Weekly Social Runs
Recently we’ve seen a number of people want to train and run with the club but have been put off because they felt that they weren’t at the standard of some of the existing members and maybe felt a little out of their depth.
That’s not what we want and as an inclusive club, LP&S want to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy training and running with a group that they feel comfortable with.
So week commencing 15 April we are looking to start a weekly social run – initially on a Wednesday, when those who want to can meet as a group and run together.
These runs are open to everyone(16 years & above ), and Ladies are particularly encouraged to join.

The social run will consist of different routes each week and probably be between 5 and 10k. We will run at a pace that everyone is comfortable with and gives people the opportunity to feel part of a group. There will always be someone running at your pace with you.
These sessions will be a great way to build up your fitness and confidence, and whether you are coming back from injury, or starting anew they will be inclusive for everyone. Who knows you may feel that in the future that you are ready to join in some of our Tuesday/Thursday sessions. If you do, you’d be very welcome, and rest assured we will run those groups based on ability to allow people to get the most from their session.
It may be that you would also like to take part in some of our events. It’s entirely up to you and we will support you in whatever you feel comfortable with. The most important thing to us is that people enjoy the sessions and feel part of a team.
We will meet for the runs and be ready to start at 6:45pm and advise of the meeting place weekly.
Please let us know via the link below if it is something that you think you’d be interested in – even if you could only come occasionally. We will contact you aftwards to arrange.
LPS Social Run | Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton Harriers & Athletics Club (lps-athletics.co.uk)
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