The sun was shining and we arranged for the wind to stop for our second Liverpool Pembroke and Sefton Harriers Park Run takeover. In fact, it was about this time last year when we did our first one. Hopefully, if Keith, Stelios and the rest of Ormskirk Park Run will have us, we will make it an annual event.
LPS are based at the home of Ormskirk Park Run, Edge Hill University and over the years have had a really close affinity with them. It was a great turn out by LPS and we managed to get pacers for pretty much every minute from 20 to 32. As well as the pacers, we were delighted to support the event with runners and volunteers of all ages so a big thank you to Neil & Sharon Roberts who coordinated the event alongside Run Director, Keith Farrer.
Ormskirk Park Run holds a special place in LPS’s heart as we have seen many of our members become involved in the park run and then decide to join us. In fact, it was due to Park Run that one of our members started running only 5 years ago. He’s now got the record at Ormskirk and was part of a LPS youth team, all of whom started off at Ormskirk Park Run – one of that team has since gone on to represent England!
We know that not everyone is going to break records or run for England but if we can get more people involved in athletics, the sport will thrive and people will be healthier too!
On Saturday we had a number of our 11-14 year olds leading the way as they proudly donned their white vest with red and black stripes. Who knows, one of those 11 year olds could become a future star. Whatever happens, we know that they love the Park Run experience and they’ll tell others about it and help us grow the sport. We also had some of our younger sprinters supporting park run as marshalls and bar code scanners – this is a really important role to help ensure these volunteer led events take place.
It’s thanks in no small way to Ormskirk Park Run and their brilliant volunteers that we gain new members. Even following this weeks event we have been contacted by runners from the day who are interested in joining our club. The Park Run team have kept these really important events going weekly, helping athletes, non athletes, walkers, curious by standers and nervous first timers to get involved in running (and walking!) whilst allowing them to see how they’re progressing or just by having a bit of fun.
It was a great event and hopefully many more to follow. Here’s a small selection of photos from the day.

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